Aaron N Jacobs – Sentry Services Ltd and Molly Morgan, both L.A USA.

A request was made to Ambergris Beware that a Scam Alert page be published regarding the activities of Aaron Jacobs – Sentry Services Ltd and his wife – Molly Morgan. We assessed the material provided and concluded that the matter was one that helps to expose the arrangements made by Jo Smith, Tony Wells and others with those not directly involved with Facebook Ambergris Public Group (FAPG) and Ambergris Connect.

Aaron N Jacobs, a Californian licenced fiduciary officer of Sentry Services Ltd has violated US law twice in the course of his arrangement. Aaron N Jacobs – Sentry Services Ltd has unlawfully imported prohibited material, namely ambergris, to his licenced fiduciary office at Pasadena LA.

Aaron N Jacobs of Sentry Services Ltd has also willfully conspired with his wife – Molly Morgan, Jo Smith, Tony Wells, Nabil Valiulla and others related to FAPG and Ambergris Connect, to defraud.

On or about 13 December 2018 Aaron N Jacobs of Sentry Services Ltd purchased (via Paypal) four grams of ambergris on Ebay using Molly Morgans account.

Molly Morgan is a close and long term friend of Jo Smith – Co-founder and Administrator of FAPG and Co-director of Ambergris Connect.

Molly Morgan is in the top 5% of “Friends” of Jo Smiths page. The algorithms of Facebook load the page in a similar way as most pages, according to age (length of time) of the identity and how much interaction occurs between them.

On her “Friends” page Jo Smiths partner- Tony Wells is only just above Molly Morgan and his relationship at that point spanned seven years, making Molly Morgan a solid friend. Aaron N Jacobs of Sentry Services Ltd had been married to Molly Morgan for nearly fourteen years. The association between his wife and her friend – Jo Smith were well known to him.

In addition to the four gram piece of ambergris, which Aaron N Jacobs paid US$60 for, he received a further four gram piece for free (as a gift). On 4 January 2019 his wife – Molly Morgan stated:

Note the date and time of the above email; 4 January 2019 at 5.26 pm.

Little more than 17 hours later Molly Morgan had this to say:

Molly Morgan had gone from ambergris novice “never actually held any in my hands” to ambergris expert in seventeen hours (including sleep time). She had broke the tiny four gram piece in half to look for squid beaks and having found none she demanded a refund.

Below Nabil Valiulla – Ambergris Canadia/India confirms its past 12 am in India. The following timezone conversion confirms that it would have been after 10.30 am in California.

Both Ebay and Molly Morgan are in California.

However Tony Wells has yet to tell Molly Morgan of the “spoon test” and Molly Morgan states she will “be back home in an hour”. That would make it well past 11.30 am at the very least before she begins any alleged “test” let alone gets an assessment of the alleged “test” that she can rely on to qualify her demand for a refund that she made at 10.30 am.

On or about 5 January 2019 Aaron N Jacobs – Sentry Services Ltd effected a charge-back on the vendors account, thereby culminating an act of obtaining under false pretenses (fraud) in conspiracy with his wife Molly Morgan.

The summary to this is that this group of scammers had planned and contrived every detail of this charade. A poor act badly choreographed and directed. The remainder below confirms how incompetent they really are.

The day prior to her demand for a refund Molly Morgan started the following thread on FAPG.

There is nothing “new” about Molly Morgan’s membership of a group run by her close and long-term friend Jo Smith.

Molly Morgan then posted some very poor quality photos of the ambergris that her husband – Aaron n Jacobs of Sentry Services Ltd had brought her (and the free ambergris). The free piece of ambergris is the whiter one at the front which she appears to have cut.

Both Nabil Valiulla of Ambergris Canadia/India and Tony Wells launched their predicable scam with “its not ambergris”. There is no possibility whatsoever of them making that assessment based on the three poor photos provided but then of course Molly Morgan was Tony Wells friend and the entire charade that was preconceived and contrived had nothing to do with fact. FAPG’s intention here was to damage a business they considered a threat to them and their sponsors.

On 7 January 2019 Molly Morgan sent the following email to the vendor.

Molly Morgan contradicts herself. When incompetent people employ dishonesty they often contradict themselves. Children are an example to this.

Tony Wells facetiously asks where his partner’s best friend lives. He already knew that. He refers to “texture”. Its a photograph, it has no texture!
Nabil Valiulla – Ambergris Canadia/India tells Aaron N Jacobs – Sentry Services Ltd, and Molly Morgan to demand a refund on the basis only on viewing some very poor photographs. This post was made before 10.30 am Californian time.

Nabil Valiulla -Ambergris Canadia/India has, in a position of purported “ambergris expert” recommended that Molly Morgan commit an act of fraud. He has no possibility whatsoever at that stage to justify his recommendations. He has however, encouraged another person to commit a criminal act and that in itself is a criminal act in nearly all jurisdictions, including India.

Tony Wells is attempting to use the fake “spoon test” that is referred to here. The outcome of that is predictable given that this entire process is contrived. He also knows exactly who and where the seller is.

Is this a child?
Tony Wells could never make that assessment based on what he seen. He knows that it is ambergris and not “man made waste”.
Joseph Delapp is far from “independent”.

On 9 January Molly Morgan sent the following email. The “individual” she refers to is Joseph de Lapp, member of Ambergris Connect and co – administrator of FAPG. His experience includes receiving stolen ambergris and then on-selling it via his business.

Below are photos of the four gram piece of ambergris that Aaron N Jacobs – Sentry Services Ltd purchased and unlawfully imported into his fiduciary office in the US.

Core white ambergris can be waxy in texture and is prone to sunburn and sun-melt whilst on a beach, which can result in fine sand particles being embedded along with a slightly darker patina.

This was no random event. The members of FAPG and Ambergris Connect knew not only of the Ebay page but also knew what the ambergris on Ebay represented. It represented a large and very significant collection of very high quality NZ white ambergris and their intention was (and still is) to see that it didn’t sell. They knew this from Steven J Rowlands (former Professor) and Mandy Aftel, both of whom were advised of the scale of the single origin ambergris collection. Both have associations with Ambergris Connect. Tony Wells, Jo Smith etc. were less concerned about the mere four grams than they were about the remaining eighty kilograms of ambergris in that one collection. Their overall intention in all their endeavours has been to reduce or eliminate ambergris on the market and to artificially inflate the price making it less affordable and impractical.

Below is the latest post by Molly Morgan on FAPG. It has an interesting outcome.

Note the size of the bottles – 10 mls.

When we first saw this on FAPG (24 February) the post included eight comments, including some from Tony Wells. It was most certainly a contrived post. We didn’t save the page at that point and when we returned several hours later the posts from Tony Wells had disappeared. Then we noticed that the pages and all posts of Tony Wells and his co-offender Jo Smith had disappeared entirely from Facebook.

The bottles displayed by Molly Morgan are 10 ml bottles, of that there is little doubt. At 3.5% each would mean that Molly Morgans “connection” with Ambergris Connect yield a whopping 0.7 grams or 2 x 0.35 grams. Can’t see much “play” in that. We question the veracity of her post. However it has provided evidence of her unlawful possession of a prohibited substance.

However on 28 Febuary 2020 we noticed that FAPG’s timeline had been wiped of its content and was reverted to a private group. Now the prosecutions begin.